Stevia Contract Farming | Agriculture Production | Stevia Hub India
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Contract Farming

Contract Farming

Contract farming can be defined as an agricultural production carried out according to an agreement between the company and farmers, which establishes conditions for the production and marketing of a farm product or products.

Stevia Hub India is one of those companies who provide a platform for farmers to pursue the agricultural practices to cultivate the land. Stevia plant is cultivated and harvested by the farmers and in return, Company pays them the fair prices according to the total quantity produced by them. The company often also agrees to support the farmer through supplying inputs (seeds, plants), assisting with land preparation, providing production advice, pest management and transporting produce to its premises.

Contract farming also reduces the risk from disease or weather change and facilitates certification, which is being increasingly demanded by advanced markets. Our agriculture officers ensure compliance by regular monitoring during their periodic visits.

Hence, Contract Farmimg is an effective way to increase the company’s production and the financial stability of farmers too.



Stevia Hub India trust policy

  • Our trust shall undertake supply of planting material and shall impart complete knowledge of stevia cultivation to the growers.
  • Our Agronomists shall visit farm on regular basis to check on the progress of cultivation.
  • We shall also replace and replant saplings which may not survive in the first year.
  • It has been observed that certain low cost saplings have a high rate of mortality / failure or they start bearing flowers within 2 months of planting .Care should be taken up to choose the correct saples while planting.
  • Our saplings are of high yield quality and we assure you of the economics figures that we have claimed. Moreover, we require the yield for our own production therefore we will guide you to take utmost care of your cultivation to achieve maximum mutual benefits.